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The beginning of an epic tale that will change everything you know about some of comicdom's greatest and longest-tenured heroes! Solar, Magnus, Dr. Spektor & Turok! Apart, they've saved countless lives a hundred times over. Together, they form a team that has protected the world in the past, present and future. Now, they will be reunited one last time to face a threat that will forever change their legacy and bring them face to face with their final destiny! Plus! Three backup features introducing the all-new, all-different, never-before-seen heroes, Magnus, Turok and Dr. Spektor. Wait - what?!

(W) Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins, Aubrey Sitterson, Chuck Wendig
(A) Johnny Desjardins, Jorge Fornes, Alvaro Sarreseca, Dylan Burnett
(CA) Stephen Segovia

Preis: 1,00 €



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